Marketing Nob166, autor en NOB166 - Page 2 of 3


25 de September de 2020

NOB166 can help to protect the culture

Unfortunately, in these summer days, the COVID 19 pandemic breaks with the good habits that it has cost so much effort for our town halls, cultural […]
24 de September de 2020

It is better to prevent

We have good news: during the period between 2015-2018, the total consumption of antibiotics in human health has decreased by 7.2%.   But we must also […]
24 de September de 2020

The Company has patented NOB166, an intelligent, innovative and pioneering antimicrobial in the durability of post-wash protection for 7 days.

  The Company has patented NOB166, an intelligent, innovative and pioneering antimicrobial in the durability of post-wash protection for 7 days. The Castellón-based company Ablaze 177, […]
24 de September de 2020

NOB166® anticipates professional needs again on the field of textile use with the market launch of NOB166 PROTECT CLOTHES

There are many public and private companies seeking for new preventive measures. After NOB166 H-IÓN launching for the detergency and industrial laundry sector, the demand is […]
24 de September de 2020


  If you are interested in incorporating this solution to your products, do not doubt in contacting with us, leaving us your data in this form, and […]
24 de September de 2020

Spanish scientists develop NOB166®, the first “effective textile” armor and durable against the coronavirus

The active principle, a powerful antimicrobic with an effect of at least 7 days, is safe for the human contact and protects patients and healthcare providers […]
24 de September de 2020

Benefits of NOB166® Protect Clothes

  Protect Clothes is a new concept for long-lasting antimicrobial protection from NOB166 intended for direct application without rinsing.   NOB166® PROTECT CLOTHES is an additive […]
24 de September de 2020

NOB166® antimicrobial additive advantages at any detergent, softener and stain remover formulations manufacturers.

When including the additive NOB166® in the formulation of a detergent, is endowing  to any piece that wash  with it of an invisible layer that prevents the settlement of […]
22 de September de 2020

Technological Stagnation in Spanish Hospital Hygiene

The best closing of the year, with deaths due to traffic accidents according to the DGT was in 2015 with 1,131 deaths. The Spanish Government invested […]
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